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Puzzle Sunday (30/07/2023) – The King and the Jeweller
Puzzle Sunday (30/07/2023) – The King and the Jeweller

Puzzle Sunday (30/07/2023) – The King and the Jeweller

Today’s puzzle is as a picture below – see what you can do! (Answer below)

Puzzle as text (accessible):

A king asks a scholar to visit his palace.

The man says “I will come some day next month, but I will not tell you on which day.

Further, you must give me gold in grams equal to the date on which I come.”

In preparation for the visit, the king demands that his jeweller make gold rings of 1 to 31 grams.

The jeweller was smart and makes only 5 rings.

What were the weights of those rings?


The jeweller makes the following rings: 1 gram, 2 grams, 4 grams, 8 grams and 16 grams


From these 5 weights, we can make all the numbers from from 1 to 31 by adding them together! Take a look below:

1 gram: 1

2 grams: 2

3 grams: 1 + 2

4 grams: 4

5 grams: 1 + 4

6 grams: 2 + 4

7 grams: 1 + 2 + 4

8 grams: 8

9 grams: 1 + 8

10 grams: 2 + 8

11 grams: 1 + 2 + 8




29 grams: 1+ 4+ 8 + 16

30 grams: 2 + 4 + 8 + 16

31 grams: 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16

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